Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The world today speaks about the financial crisis. Every TV or radio you can hear as declining «turnover» economy, and in each country appear hundreds of thousands of unemployed. Appalling analysts forecasts kill any optimism. From the crisis affected not only people, businesses, factories, financial institutions, and work. Due to reduced production, working robots becomes unnecessary, so they like people put on the exchange of work and pay costs for temporary disability. Recall that the effects of financial crisis began to feel the humanity in October last year.

Translated from http://luxnews.com.ua/nationalnews/birzha-praci

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Invention of modern scholars do not cease to surprise even the writers-fantasty. They will fundamentally change our understanding of the world and its structure, just kill your originality. Here, for example, scientists Massachusetts Technological University have developed the so-called «meter walk» (footcounter). Scientists came to conclusion pre-designed embedded devices with special software in the boots of players to see how much each of them «runs» for a match. These inventions led to the World Football Federation have oryhinalnishyh action: now players will pay for run kilometers.

Ratio of miles to the dollar is currently at the stage of calculation. Football players are not very happy with this innovation, as each of them at a certain position, probihatyme little like that would, or how do attackers. But most suffer goalkeepers. Accordingly, if the defender earn about half less than the attack, the goalkeeper just work for peanuts. This state of affairs, according to the WFF, meet the real merit of the players.
If players still force to wear boots with meters, then probably the world's star goalkeepers come from the football arena, a soccer ball into a rolling from gate to gate leash to making people thirsty. What is the football without goalkeepers??

Football fans began very actively protest against such actions of the World Football Federation, because they alter the very essence of football - a game show, passion. But the federation did not retreated from its plans to establish «rates» to «worked out», at least, she said, for those playing at the World Cup in 2009. Under Pressure SFF fans only go to certain give-and-take: goalkeeper to those not leaving your favorite game, pay for «run meters», and in the future develop counters for the number of attacks on the ball. So you can watch as goalkeepers to run from bar to bar, only to earn a new car, shubu for women and for education for a son ...

What we can observe the developments in the field of world football and hope that the inventions Massachusetts Technological University will cease to operate on the minds of the Director-General and those in turn, waive such decisions, because football - half of humanity is life changing and football - changing half of humanity . Therefore, only God knows what can go. Would not like that third world war started because of football.

Translated from http://luxnews.com.ua/recently/futbolomarazm

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Do you often have to look through the glass and see it defect production (blur, «scratch», scratches)? And do not like you while watching simply move the hand through the glass? Certainly had and would, but made of glass sand, how perfect would not have been production still remains glass.
Glass has a property to a certain extent refract sunlight, giving the result an increase or decrease. Though small in extent, but this defect did not give the possibility to call the glass is transparent. In addition, the glass provides a barrier between the closed space of an apartment, house or car.
New invention of Japanese scientists who experimented with tryhlorhuyovinilom gives the opportunity not only to call it a completely transparent body, and one is internal body! Yes, yes, you're not mistaken, creating a completely transparent body, the scientists found a new property items - half-conductivity. This means that inserting this invention in its flat, you can safely move the hand out, but the inside will not be either the smallest particles, including gamma rays. Such innovations offer scientists a huge space for interpretations of this invention. And as always, remains a problem with the price. In the program for the manufacture of one square centimeter totally transparent body spent 59 million yen :-(.

Translated from http://luxnews.com.ua/recently/absoljutno-prozore-tilo

Little fir

Under the laws of economics, human needs no boundaries. The reason for this phenomenon is called philosophers boundless human imagination. All that man can only imagine the producers of goods to, in some way, to translate into reality. On the way to the progress of humanity has expanded its capabilities, so the producers of goods and services every day is becoming easier to meet human needs.
Behold, the days of Genetics, Texas Agricultural Institute brought a corn trees size of amoeba. Scientists managed to penetrate deep into the natural codes representative gymnospermae and establish its rule there. Changing the code size of a corn, and a spruce, academics, thanks to unique technologies and products, grown in vitro five millimeters plant needles with a length of 450 nanometers. The tree can grow to 7 millimeters in special dome to 20 years. As proposed by inventors, wood put in pendants and rings and will be sold as exotic decoration. Previous studies show that genetic operations of corns trees will not bring harm to the environment, but will create competition for precious stones and metals. Rings and pendants from tree will be accessible for sale under a new year. There are also plans to grow miniature fruit and berry plants that will create a revolution in the approach to understanding the nature and control it. The German philosopher Fichte said: «Chop wood!», And scientists from Texas Agricultural Institute said: «Change the essence of nature!»

Translated from http://luxnews.com.ua/recently/holky-jalynky-450-nanometriv